Saturday, February 25, 2006

Fridge word magnets

A massive white canvas on which to create truisms.

I find it highly addictive - especially when they're inappropriate and in other peoples houses while they're not looking. tee hee.

Sorry about the photo - my cameras focked, its never been the same after I 'fixed it' by opening it all up - Oh and its an exclamation mark not an I.

PS: told you it was addictive, however my literary juices are now spent for another year. Social services, please note my impeccable parenting on saying loser.

PPS: My next door neighbour used to have some hilarious bible based version of these, and used to make encouraging sayings on their fridge. It was sooooo tempting, when going in to feed their cats while they were away to insert "Satan" at appropriate points. Oh the hilarity.


"The hottest new band in the US underground." - New Music Express (NME)

Looks like a bad joke doesn't it - until you hear the music. You're left feeling - where has this come from. Is there some svengali parents in the background?

Apparently not - because you wouldn't manufacture this craziness. It is the intoxicating, unembarrassed sound of youth. The album 'She like electric' is named after the way they feel on their trampoline, and that kind of says it all. Check out my favorite track La Pump here (iTunes) and the bio here.

You can see them on Tuesday 7th March in Cardiff, supporting the Go Team!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A fine log

File this under shit art.

What do you get if you combine a week of extreme high fibre dieting, and a butt plug?

My favourite bit about this story is that the artist finally excreted her 26 foot crap in the lane of a bowling alley.

Update: apparently the link is down - here is the Google cache