Tuesday, September 20, 2005

overflow:auto problems in Safari

when you've got an overflown div in a table it reserves the space for the full length div,even though it puts the scrollbars on correctly.

The solution? Put another div around it with the same height and overflow:hidden.

Boring I know, but nothing on google. I must seek a new career.

Friday, September 09, 2005

High geek excitement


Nano nano

Interesting announcements from Apple. It looks like they are not going to update the shuffle until after christmas (phew). The nano is more expensive than the mini was which creates a bigger gap between the shuffle and itself. Its also still a bit too big to turn into anything other than itself, in terms of shufflicious. I'm going to get one just to check - for research purposes of course.

I expect they will kill the silicone case (iskin) market with the tubes. They could have done this years ago, so it was inevitable, and at least they are giving good value by giving 5 cases for $29.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Shufflicious, Shuffleishous, Shuffleishus

I've got more holiday stuff to post, but I've got to concentrate on finishing the shuff stuff by next week and start to sell them. Its been an incredibly long journey, but I'm really pleased with them. I even finally managed to get the exact ball-bar chain especially made which will look fantastic.

One issue is how people are going to spell it when they put it into google - and how I'm going to trap that. If you have a different spelling than the ones above stick it in the comments for me.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I thought I was special

I saw this scratched into the inside of a shower door at a campsite in Brittany. Write your own narrative.